online journal
knowledge is power, especially in remodeling
The 1,500 Dollar Powder Room
Well, here we are... again. I had big dreams of remodeling our home but I have to be honest I...
Ten Prompts To Get You & Your partner Talking
Hey Friends, Today I want to talk about having home remodeling conversations with our partners and...
Emergency Remodel Bathroom Selections Part II.
Well, here we are. I had big dreams of remodeling our home but I have to be honest I didn't think that they were going to go like this. Making Emergency Remodel bathroom selections are very different than making selections when you've saved and prepared for a remodel....
A story of mushrooms, moisture, and mold Part I.
Mushrooms, moisture and mold the backstory. This post is the first in a series I'm calling the Terrace Turnaround Project. This one is personal to me, because it's my own home! In this series I'm going to really open myself up to you guys, give you a little back...
7 Key Aspects of Wellness Design
Welcome, This post is the first in a series about the growing trend of Wellness Design in your home. Although Wellness Design has traditionally been reserved for commercial spaces it's becoming increasingly more popular in residential spaces given both the growing...
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Northern Virginia
(703) 328-5978